Online Scientific Calculator

Online Calculator

The screen on my scientific calculator broke this week. So I was looking for a realiable online calculator I can use until I get a chance to replace mine. After testing several online calculators this one ticks all the boxes. It loads quickly, has a an appealing layout and displays what you have entered as well as the answer. None of the other online scientific calculators I looked at allowed you to see what you have entered and many of them were slow to load.

Creating fast worksheets and answers for Maths, English and Geography.

Thanks Mrs Tessman for sharing this website with me last week. I’m sure it will come in handy. This site contains worksheet generators for maths, science and english. Once you choose the topic, formating and difficulty level you want included a printable worksheet and answer sheet will be generated. Here are some of the maths topics available: Maths

Numbers for iPad

If your using iPads in the classroom and you or your students are working with data then Numbers is a must have app. Below is an intro clip showing all the great things you can create using numbers. I find using the formulas feature is really handy in science for performing a range of calculations. So I’ve put together a quick presentation below explaining how to use the formulas feature in numbers.

Intro to Numbers App:

How to perform calculations using the formulas feature: